When you are a known baker and decorator among your friends, family, and community, there is one request you will likely get that will leave you a bit puzzled.
“Can you make me cookies based on a character from a cartoon, Disney movie, or TV Show?"
The instinctual answer is, ‘Yes, I can.’ But WAIT! There are 2 things to consider:
- Skill: Making a batch of cookies based on the Little Mermaid remake may seem easy, but if you get it wrong, your reputation becomes affected.
- Copyright law: Logos, characters, and even patterns are patented legally, meaning you will are not be able to reproduce them for profit.
Luckily, here, we will walk you through what you can do to still make a profit and make some amazing cookies.
Alternative 1 - Match The Theme
Does your client want a batch of cookies based around a Paw Patrol theme?
Think how to fit the theme, without using copyrighted characters. In other words, You use a police badge, or use a Dalmatian pattern on a bone shaped cookie alongside dog paw print shaped cookies. See? That’s all the basics covered without needing to create a specific cookie based on any of the characters from that show. We love the Let's Pawty Stencil Set for Decorating Cookies as it gives the look, without infringing on any copyright laws!
Alternative 2 - Get Creative
Is a client asking for Little Mermaid cookies? Make the cookies based on an element from the movie. There are lots of important mermaid theme elements in that movie you can run with! Try Our Little Mermaid Cookie Stencil Set for a Little Mermaid theme Birthday Party, or make Mermaid Tail Shaped Cookies with the Mermaid Tail Cookie Cutter!
Or what about a range of different snowflake cookies? Or snowman cookies? See, you guessed the movie without us even needing to say it!
Alternative 3 - Line Art and Silhouettes
It is true that some silhouettes, may be copyrighted. However, line art and silhouettes can be stunning for some movies, music and TV stars and give away the theme of your cookies. Think of making mouse shaped cookies with our Mouse Ears cookie Cutters