The Best Option To Mix Edible Airbrush Paint
Airbrush paints come in various colors, but can you mix them to create the exact shade you want? Of course you can!
No matter what you want to decorate using your airbrush paint, here are some tips to help you get the colors and shades you need. Make sure you have enough color to get you through your project by stocking up on your supplies before you start.
How To Mix Edible Airbrush Paint
Do you remember fractions from school? To successfully mix your colors, you will need to think about them in relation to parts. When mixing, think of it as 1 equal part to another. So, a 5 to 1 mix could mean 5 tablespoons to 1 tablespoon. Or you could use 5 drips to 1 drip, depending on how much you require. If you are truly artistic, you could eyeball the colors and have fun with it!
Edible Paint Mixing Tips
For best results, mix the right kinds of airbrush paint for the desired color. Gel colors are typically more concentrated. So, you will need less paint to achieve a more vibrant color.
What You Will Need
- Edible food coloring or food-grade gel colors
- A palette or small container
- Small food-grade brushes
- Water or clear grain alcohol
- Ensure your hands, the brushes, and the containers are clean to prevent contamination of the colors.
- Choose the colors you require to mix and make sure there is enough. Be sure that their consistencies work together before mixing to prevent wasted paint.
- Squeeze the appropriate parts of each color needed onto the palette or container. Start with a small amount to prevent wasting paint.
- You can dilute the colors if you want a less vibrant effect using either clear alcohol or water.
- If using water, mix a few drops with a clean brush. Do this until you reach the desired transparency. Adding too much water can impact how well the paint sticks to the icing.
- If using clear alcohol, add 1 drop at a time using a clean brush. Alcohol will help the paint to dry faster. For optimum mixing, use vodka or clear vanilla extract. Add until you reach the desired consistency.