Show off your patriotism in red, white, and blue this fourth of July with these patriotic cookie stencils from Confection Couture Stencils. The stencils used in this tutorial come with a variety of phrases, accents, and stars that will show your American Pride. Listed below are the tools utilized in this tutorial:
Patriotic Stars Background Cookie Stencil –
Patriotic Words Cookie Stencil –
Patriotic Accent Cookie Stencil –
Quadrant Masking Tool –
Stencil Genie –
Cookie Magnets –
Gyro-Cut Craft Cutting Tool –
DecoPac Airbrush Food Coloring -
Air Genie Airbrush System –
- Start out by putting your cookie stencil in the stencil genie. Use the quadrant masking tools to isolate the design at the center of the cookie. Use your cookie magnets to weigh the stencil down flat to the cookie surface.
- Put Amerimist Food Coloring into the Air Genie Airbrush and test out the rate of flow on a piece of paper towel. Lightly airbrush the stencil design onto your cookie in an overlapping back and forth motion. Once the design is stenciled, lift the Stencil Genie off the cookie surface to make room for your next design.
- Use the quadrant masking tool to isolate the firework accent design and place off to the side of the cookie. Airbrush red Amerimist Food Coloring through the firework design here and there on the outer edges of your cookie. Build up the color of the design on the cookie surface in the same overlapping back and forth motion with the airbrush. Remove the cookie magnets, lift off the stencil genie, and your cookie is complete.
- To stencil a patriotic accent at the center of a background stencil use a piece of Glad Press n’ Seal to create a mask. Place the Patriotic Stars background over the accent stencil then use your Gyro-Cut craft cutting tool to cut a section around the accent on the background stencil. Center the masked off section of the background stencil on your cookie.
- Sometimes the cookies you are airbrushing will not be level so it is helpful to stencil each corner of the cookie one at a time. Place cookie magnets in each corner as you work your way around and airbrush your food colorant through. Line up the previously stenciled corner and continue airbrushing your background.
- Use the masked star background to airbrush around a previously stenciled accent. Next use the quadrant masking tool to isolate and stencil the accent at the center of background design. Alternatively, you can also stencil the masked off background around your stenciled accent.
- Finally use your fireworks stencil to airbrush accents around any stencil designs that need any extra flair like the Statue of Liberty cookie.
- When you are done stenciling your cookies, arrange them and you are ready to serve! Patriotic Cookie Stencils are the easiest way to decorate your cookies in red, white and blue for Independence Day! Be sure to visit to browse our products and check out the video tutorial below for a step by step guide!